When Confronted by The CRA, Ensure That You Have A Reliable Advocate

15 years of experience protecting taxpayers from aggressive CRA behaviour

Assisting taxpayers with informed and successful responses to CRA letters, pre-assessments,and decision letters to resolve stressful disputes

Call Nicholas Kilpatrick, CPA CGA 

Who We Are:

We are a leading assurance firm located in South Vancouver providing the highest quality assurance services to valued clients at reasonable cost.  Our accountants have combined experience of over 20 years providing assurance assistance at the review and audit levels.


For over 30 years our office has focused on providing value-added advice to our clients, enabling them to grow their businesses and increase profitability levels.  Our tax knowledge ensures that our client's corporate structure facilitates opportunities to effect tax minimization strategies in compliance with the Income Tax Act (I.T.A)


While the core of our business remains in providing review and engagement level services, we offer our clients multiple services in the fields of tax planning, compilation engagements, and data and predictive analytics services.  All these offerings have been carefully considered to provide what services we believe proactive business leaders need to position their respective companies for profitability and growth in the short- and long-terms.


We are known to provide the highest level accounting, assurance and tax services that business executives and owners expect from a high quality accounting firm.  We enter each engagement to meet and exceed our client's expectations.

Copyright © Burgess Kilpatrick CPA's