Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 It is common for businesses to consider international expansion as a means to achieve growth. Given the geographic proximity of Canada and the U.S., it is logical that many Canadian businesses would consider expanding into the U.S. and vice-versa. Below are discussed […]
Tax Strategy and Advisory
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 It is common for businesses to consider international expansion as a means to achieve growth. Given the geographic proximity of Canada and the U.S., it is logical that many Canadian businesses would consider expanding into the U.S. and vice-versa. Below are discussed […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 In an increasingly globalized and digitized world, small and medium-sized enterprises can grow and compete internationally to an extent that was not previously possible. These same economic realities have also forced many small and medium-sized enterprises to expand outside of Canada or […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 International competitiveness is a rather ill-defined term since it could have a variety of meanings. It might mean how competitive a country might be as a place of location for investments and production compared to other jurisdictions. It could also imply how […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 International competitiveness is a rather ill-defined term since it could have a variety of meanings. It might mean how competitive a country might be as a place of location for investments and production compared to other jurisdictions. It could also imply how […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ For Canadian Parent Corporations Considering U.S Business Investment – Analysis and Methodology – Part 2 Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 When a Canadian corporation (Canco) considers expansion into the U.S, careful consideration of key […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ For Canadian Parent Corporations Considering U.S Business Investment – Analysis and Methodology – Part 1 Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 When a Canadian corporation (Canco) considers expansion into the U.S, careful consideration of key […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Canadians Expanding Business To The U.S – Issues To Attend To. Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Growing Canadian businesses searching for new markets are conducting business on a multinational level. The United States, being […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ U.S Business Structures for Canadian Parent Corporations Doing Cross-Border Business – Part 2 Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Growing Canadian businesses searching for new markets are conducting business on a multinational level. The United […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ U.S Business Structures for Canadian Parent Corporations Doing Cross-Border Business – Part 1 Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Growing Canadian businesses searching for new markets are conducting business on a multinational level. The United States, […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Canadian Corporations Doing Business In The U.S - Responsibilities and Expectations - Part 2 Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Growing Canadian businesses searching for new markets are conducting business on a multinational level. The […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Income Characterization for Canadian Corporations Doing Business Outside Canada - Foreign Accrual Property Income (FAPI) Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Canadian tax liability generally turns on whether a person is a resident or a […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 If you’re a leader, you want to show up for your people in a way that makes them feel excited to be at work, makes them think they can trust you as a leader, allows them to trust each other as a team, […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Good communication is key to securing partnerships. Here are a few tips for how you should go about it: If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s easy to focus on selling products or services and forget about the larger picture at hand. Selling […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 A December 11, 2017 Tax Court of Canada case examined whether a taxpayer was liable for unpaid income taxes of the corporation of which he was a director. CRA’s assessment was based on the assertion that the taxpayer was a legal representative of […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ The Right Way To Quit Your Job And Start A Business Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Eight out of ten startups fail, and how badly do you think the entrepreneurs behind the failed businesses wish they could go […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 "The life of a typical entrant is nasty, brutish, and short.” - Paul Geroski, London Business School There’s nothing that quickens the pulse of a growing enterprise-level business than expanding its footprint beyond its native borders. “Taking a company international,” as it is […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Being a successful leader in a business is something that takes a lifetime to learn and apply. Then, the lessons learned facilitate success in other areas of your life. With this much benefit from learning to be a successful business leader, it makes […]
Slide 1The Corporate Attribution RulesNavigating the Delicate World of Non-Arms Length Transactions. READ MORESlide 2Sole Proprietorship vs. Corporation What Is Right For You? READ MORESlide 3Tax Planning And Transfer Of WealthUsing Life Insurance READ MORESlide 3The Optimal Revenue Model For Driving Tech VenturesKeys to Securing The Funding You Need to […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ The Responsibility of Director Due Diligence Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Directors can be personally liable for employee source deductions (both the employer and employee’s portion of CPP and EI, and income tax withheld) […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 A strategic alliance is a cooperative agreement where companies come together for a specific duration and/or project and add value to each other through the alliance. Resources, skills, and/or capital are pooled for mutual gain. Whether your business is […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 The quest to turn your idea into money, a career, or a successful exit can result in some important foundational tasks left unattended. It’s commendable to work hard and strategize correctly to bring your business into reality, but soon […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Canada Revenue Agency Enhances Audit Activity on Real Estate Transactions Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 For those involved in Real Estate investing, the CRA is enhancing it’s audit activity around real estate transactions, presumably because any […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Complementing Dental Practice Management With Sustained Growth Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 In the midst of the competitive business environment they find themselves in, professional dental operators by and large recognize the need to manage […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Using Joint Ventures To Capitalize On Real Estate Investments Joint Ventures are increasingly being used by Real Estate Investors to suitably combine financial capital with pro rated risk exposure, and the structure provides a comfortable legal and logical framework […]
Every dentist desiring growth should be analyzing relevant data in order to make sound business decisions that will facilitate practice growth and sustainability. We all know that, in business, change is constant, and for dental practices to maintain growth, they themselves must change. Relevant data collection for dental practices includes […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 For many entrepreneurs (but not all), the natural evolution of business ownership travels from one singular business to multiple units. Although for many the thought of spreading yourself further to operate another business makes no logical sense, others see the […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 What makes a great manager? What do you want to achieve in your business that you think a great manager can help you with? These 2 questions and more eventually raise up in the minds of business owners endeavoring to […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 In this fast-paced, data-and-digital driven economy, dexterity with smartphone screens and their apps has become today’s euphemism for “customer relationships”. The currency of trust, however, retains it’s value and will always be a prerequisite for lasting sales relationships. Multitudes are […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Our Business Growth Model seminar and video incorporates manager compensation as a tool to facilitate business growth. Getting the compensation right for each individual, however, is key to making your business growth plans work. You can’t be everywhere at the […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 There are scores of people who dream of owning their own business and the suggested freedom that comes with it. These people get excited with the prospect of anticipating profits and a lifestyle over which they have a certain amount […]
A stable and continually executed local marketing plan to build clientele is one of the most important elements in maintaining a successful business. Marketing is a full-time job, from the planning, to the relationship building, to the execution and ordering of materials - all components in the local marketing plan […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 At all stages of the company’s existence, short– and long-range plans should be in place that dictate its actions. Company management and external stakeholders, such as investors, banks, and creditors want to know that growth prospects for the company […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 In the previous post, we highlighted 3 areas of concern that determined the financial strength of a prospective business acquisition. Respectively, Profitability, Solvency, and Rate of Return give a high-level view of the financial prospects of a business. However, a […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 For business owners seeking to build business empires through acquisitions, being able to quickly and accurately assess the prospects of a business venture is a skill learned only over time and with extensive practice. With so many options available in […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 It takes a lot of discipline, discernment and courage to swim against the conventional wisdom of our previous generations to pay off debt as quickly as possible. By that I mean that when given the choice whether to use money […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 It’s common knowledge that, over the last 20 years, business ownership has become more serious in terms of competition. Increased competition and graduates have watered down the client pool for all business owner, and so the mantra to innovate, […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 For generations, there have been commonalities among the marketing efforts of successful business owners that are worth sharing. Those successful businesses have consistently enjoyed yearly increases in revenue an in net income. These commonalities also reveal concrete, practical business concepts […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 If you’re a business owner aspiring to build a strong, profitable, and sustainable business it’s natural to continually consider how to bring additional customers through the door and increase revenue. As necessary as this is, a strategy built only on […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Over the course of time businesses have essentially the same probability of success. One of the key determining factors as to whether or not a particular business venture will achieve “success” (depending on how you define it) is how and […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Justification Points To Business Expansion. Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 For entrepreneurs wanting to expand their businesses, do they know at which point expansion is justified? Do you as a business owner/CEO consider opening multiple […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Business owners/CEO’s in general will follow a standard method as they pursue growth: strive to continually generate more customers, provide products/services they need – and desire - at a price point leading to a profitable business, enjoy your work and […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Complementing Business Management With Sustained Growth Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 In the midst of the competitive business environment they find themselves in, professional entrepreneurs by and large recognize the need to manage their businesses […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Like most industries that reward hard work with sustainable wealth, career satisfaction, and the opportunity to positively affect the lives and welfare of others, life as a business owner/CEO is a competitive business. Experience is invariably the most important ingredient […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 In our articles on Strategic Growth, we mention an important tenet in the marital art of Judo, where the concept of utilizing the momentum of your opponent is taught to achieve success. Building momentum in a business is similar, and […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Effective Use Of Financial Ratios To Keep Your Eye On Your Business. Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Business owners typically have more items on their task lists than time in the day to complete them. […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Franchising - Deploying A Multi-Unit Franchise Strategy. Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Many aspiring entrepreneurs, whether fatigued by their day job or anxious to implement something new in their lives, each year enter the franchise […]
Follow Us on LinkedIn Slide 2The Section 84 Deemed Dividend RulesWhat to do to avoid the deemed dividend trap. READ MORESlide 2Taxation Issues for Canadian Corporations with Foreign AffiliatesAn overview. READ MORESlide 2Using Joint Ventures To Capitalize On Real Estate InvestmentsResearch tax-efficient structures to facilitate real estate investing. READ MORESlide […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 When a start-up or mature company comes up with a disruptive product, and can relish the joy of being the first to market and the innovative winner, that joy is invariably short-lived. Smartphones, apps, and essentially everything in today’s information-demanding […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ The Effects Of Sub-optimal Data On Modern Day Corporate Strategy Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 “In God we trust – but all others bring data” These are the words of Eric Schmidt, former CEO […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Not everyone is made to be an entrepreneur. Possibly everyone knows this, because at some point in time, most have dabbled in business ownership. There's a certain mix of skills, ability to withstand risk and humility, and disciplinary ethic that […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Sales techniques of past generations profusely fail if tried in today’s society. Prospects are intuitive, wary, and quick to dismiss even the implication of a selling technique. Yet people need products and services, and there are many competitors out there […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 For Companies on the cusp of monetization (ie: needing another round of funding in order to put the finishing touches on a money making and disruptive venture), numbers matter unlike at no other time. Assumed is the strong and secure […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 The quest to turn your idea into money, a career, or a successful exit can result in some important foundational tasks left unattended. It’s commendable to work hard and strategize correctly to bring your business into reality, but soon it […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks -Sun Tzu’s 3rd essential for victory Corporate North America is careful when implementing strategies and projects to again establish previous levels […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Take a cursory look at about half of the front pages of the Economist magazine during only the last year and you’ll find China and it’s people, economy, and sustained emergence/imminent dominance imprinted all over them. Similarly, scholarly magazines such […]
Funding – every business needs it. In today’s competitive, lightning-fast concept-to-market business environment, building a scalable corporate competitor by bootstrapping is a gigantic challenge - primarily (but not exclusively) because time will not allow it. By the time marketing, production, financing, and logistics are in place, markets have moved on. […]
Many of today’s start-up and mature companies alike are prone to designing and implementing “end justifies the means” unit and corporate strategies. We’re seeing many self-proclaimed industry disrupting strategic agendas spawned and genius-level processes designed to implement them, yet insufficient time is taken to assess the relevance and potential of […]
What characteristics do successful leaders have in common? When reading books on leadership, which are the most valuable insights to apply to your career as a leader? We’re all different in our approach to leadership, and certain traits in one leader may not resonate or result in positive results in […]
People will ultimately facilitate the success of any start-up or emerging entity. This means the owner (or champion), management, and employees, if you have them. A strategy to keep good, strong talent is necessary because established firms are prone to actively pursue what you already have, if for no other […]
Beginning in the 1970’s, the desire to maximize corporate profits coupled with the fear of losing market share drove corporate executives to do whatever was necessary to please the only constituents who mattered in the corporate board room – the shareholders. Thus was born a corporate Executive Suite dogma emphasizing […]
After decades of consultants promoting “best process practices” and “optimal profitability initiatives”, there seems to be an established consensus among corporations that process standardization has a lot to offer in terms of corporate value. The trick is in determining what components of your business to standardize and what to remain […]
When Richard Nixon became president in 1968, he inherited an America eager to continue it’s campaign as the global instigator of peace, goodwill and progress. Yet the country seemed paralyzed between its’ apparent failure to extricate South Vietnam from Communist influence, and it’s desire to rigorously pursue a foreign policy […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Many business owners aspire to have thriving operations. How that word "thriving" is defined varies dramatically from one person to the next . Invariably, however, the realization of that goal is constantly suspended for multitudes of reasons. Most certain, […]
Most of you will know of the possible contentious effects of a “pre-money” vs. “post-money” offering between entrepreneur’s and investors during negotiations of a financing round. As you also know, a strong way to motivate already talented employees and executive personnel early on is to provide them with options to […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ Are You Really An Effective CEO? Those in corporate leadership positions, as well as the consultants paid to assist them, have long been taught that their success is measured by various quantifiable metrics such as profitability, earnings per share, return […]
The exercise of analyzing data from operations gives productive and valuable insights and drives future strategic decisions. A common approach to statistical analysis of data to determine strategy lies in revealing correlations between revenue levels and their respective drivers. Our case study involves assessing the results of a strategic initiative […]
Every business entity desiring growth, whether it provides services or products, must engage in research and development (R & D) activities. Businesses that don’t expose themselves to the common symptoms of corporate stagnation eventually leading to disappearance, menial survival, or, if lucky, flat revenues. We all know that, in business, […]
The exercise of creating, measuring and implementing short- and long-term strategic initiatives brings with it substantial accountability and due diligence requirements. Staff and their families tacitly rely on the ability of management to keep the business competitive; vendors have possibly entrusted a bulk of their resources, processes and forecasts to […]
In our articles, we place emphasis on the need to either acquire or produce clean and reliable data that corporate managers can use to make strategic and profitable decisions, thereby facilitating corporate sustainability and long-term growth. When companies spend extensive financial, human, and time resources in an effort to create […]
The school of business strategy among today’s affluent and blue-chip corporations contains characteristics that will define it in future economic cycles. A prominent characteristic seems to be, in our observation, the propensity to shift corporate strategy regularly whenever short-term gains are not realized. Executive personnel are transferred also, creating change […]
The Capital Gains Exemption (CGE) remains one of the most beneficial components of the Canadian tax system. Rewarding resident Canadian business owners for their contributions to the Canadian economy, the CGE allows for the exemption from tax the first $913,630 gain (in 2022) on the sale of shares of a […]
Sole Proprietorship vs Corporation – How to set up your business Many people considering a venture into the foray of business ownership eventually need to make a decision as to how to operate: as a sole proprietor or as a corporation. Our office fields this question quite often, […]
The quest to turn your idea into money, a career, or a successful exit can result in some important foundational tasks left unattended. It’s commendable to work hard and strategize correctly to bring your business into reality, but soon it comes time to introduce VC’s to the strategy. You may […]