Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 If you’re a leader, you want to show up for your people in a way that makes them feel excited to be at work, makes them think they can trust you as a leader, allows them to trust each other as a team, […]
Monthly Archives: February 2021
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Time management is perhaps one of the most researched, studied, and obsessed over concepts in all of management. Back when physical bookstores were more relevant, you could find entire sections devoted to time management. People travel the world to attend seminars with […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Steve Jobs was wearing jeans and sandals under a black graduation gown as he stepped to the podium to deliver Stanford University’s commencement address in June 2005. It was quite a scene, with some 23,000 faculty members, alumni, newly minted graduates, and […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Good communication is key to securing partnerships. Here are a few tips for how you should go about it: If you’re an entrepreneur, it’s easy to focus on selling products or services and forget about the larger picture at hand. Selling […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Individuals that receive certain types of income derived from a “related business” will be subject to Tax on Split Income (TOSI) unless an exclusion applies. TOSI is subject to the highest personal tax rate with no benefit of personal credits. Commencing on January […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 A December 11, 2017 Tax Court of Canada case examined whether a taxpayer was liable for unpaid income taxes of the corporation of which he was a director. CRA’s assessment was based on the assertion that the taxpayer was a legal representative of […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 In an August 14, 2019 Tax Court of Canada case, at issue was whether the sales of four properties in B.C. were on account of income (fully taxable) or capital (half taxable), and whether they were eligible for the principal residence exemption (potentially […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ The Right Way To Quit Your Job And Start A Business Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Eight out of ten startups fail, and how badly do you think the entrepreneurs behind the failed businesses wish they could go […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 KPI, which stands for Key Performance Indicator, is an acronym applied by people working in or studying management. But if you’ve never had a specific reason to investigate what KPIs are, it’s likely you’re unfamiliar with the meaning of the term. KPI […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 "The life of a typical entrant is nasty, brutish, and short.” - Paul Geroski, London Business School There’s nothing that quickens the pulse of a growing enterprise-level business than expanding its footprint beyond its native borders. “Taking a company international,” as it is […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Being a successful leader in a business is something that takes a lifetime to learn and apply. Then, the lessons learned facilitate success in other areas of your life. With this much benefit from learning to be a successful business leader, it makes […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 For an employee to deduct travel or motor vehicle expenses against employment income, the employee must be normally required to work away from the employer’s place of business, be required to pay the travel expense under the contract of employment, and have a […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 A Tax Court of Canada case reviewed various deductions claimed against a taxpayer’s business income derived from engineering and arbitration services related to the business use of his home. The taxpayer and the CRA had agreed that 35.83% of the home, mainly the […]
Slide 1The Corporate Attribution RulesNavigating the Delicate World of Non-Arms Length Transactions. READ MORESlide 2Sole Proprietorship vs. Corporation What Is Right For You? READ MORESlide 3Tax Planning And Transfer Of WealthUsing Life Insurance READ MORESlide 3The Optimal Revenue Model For Driving Tech VenturesKeys to Securing The Funding You Need to […]
Schedule a Secure Video Conference Call on Cisco Webex ™ The Responsibility of Director Due Diligence Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 Directors can be personally liable for employee source deductions (both the employer and employee’s portion of CPP and EI, and income tax withheld) […]
Slide 2The Section 84 Deemed Dividend RulesWhat to do to avoid the deemed dividend trap. READ MORESlide 2Taxation Issues for Canadian Corporations with Foreign AffiliatesAn overview. READ MORESlide 2Using Joint Ventures To Capitalize On Real Estate InvestmentsResearch tax-efficient structures to facilitate real estate investing. READ MORESlide 2The Replacement Property RulesUsing […]
Leading Tax Advice Call Nicholas Kilpatrick 604-612-8620 A strategic alliance is a cooperative agreement where companies come together for a specific duration and/or project and add value to each other through the alliance. Resources, skills, and/or capital are pooled for mutual gain. Whether your business is […]